Hey Everybody:
A few bits of news to put up, so I thought I’d send out a general email to keep everyone up to date.
First off, some good news-bad news concering KTNA in Talkeetna, Alaska. We are on their broadcast schedule, slated for 6:30pm (Alaska time) on Monday Nights. The bad news is their internet connection doesn’t appear to be working. You should be able to go to their website at http://www.ktna.org and listen live. Hopefully, that will get fixed soon. But it’s good to know we’re on the air on the tundra!
Secondly, still looking for volunteers this week for the Espresso Lane smoothie booth at Smokey Bear Park. Let me know if you can help, or just show up. Harley and Amy are planning to be there the whole time. We’ll be selling CD’s again, with a new tip jar making it clear that all tips benefit the IBRT.
We are putting together a merchandize order for IBRT stuff from the Café Press store. It was the brilliant idea of Kirsty Sinclair that we could save on shipping if all of us went together. So visit the store here http://www.cafepress.com/iceboxradio and then email me your order. Be sure to use exact product names and sizes to avoid confusion.
And finally, the first pictures from Icebox Live! in August are currently on the IBRT Photo section of our website. Go check it out!
Thanks everyone, for all you do. More recording announcements forthcoming, as well as the latest on Halloween. Talk to you soon!