Negligent, I have been looking at this blog. You'd think nothing happened in the months of March and April, but isn't so. First and foremost, the picture above is actually me showing of our first-ever grant check from the Arrowhead Arts Council. I was surprised to see that Photoboth on my Mac actually takes pictures as a mirror-image, so you can't make out the wording on the check. It does say 'Icebox Radio Theater' and an amount just north of 2-grand.
What's if for, you ask? THE IBRT IS HITTING THE BIG TIME!!
This 4th of July weekend, we'll be performing at CONvergence in Bloomington, MN. Two live shows as part of this big sci fi convention. If you're in the neighborhood, we'll be performing on Friday 7/4 at 1pm and Saturday 7/5 at 1pm. You'll have to buy a day-pass to the CON, but that's actually a pretty good deal - plenty of free entertainment plus food, etc.
Anyways, we got our funding and we're getting ready to go. More on this story as events warrant.
Labels: grant check