Hi All:
The theater is gearing up for our final live performance of the summer. It will be happening on Wednesday, August 30 at 7pm at the Bandshell in I-Falls.
The show will be titled, ‘The Icebox Radio Theater’s End of Summer Party’ and it’s going to be a musical variety show. I got inspired by the Prairie Home Companion movie, and having seen the pros do it, we could do something very similar with the talent available here in town. Here’s the playbill as of right now:
APPEARING (no particular order)
“The Mermaid” a new play
Brittany Hayes
Debbie Griffith
Karri Tougas
Bob & Ray skits by Neill & Jeffrey Adams
Scenes from ‘Dog Watch’ by Mary Casanova
This will be a fairly major undertaking for us, and we’re going to need a lot of help. What I’d like to have is a Traffic Manager who could move the acts on and off, and keep an eye on the equipment so that things are set-up right for the next act. Said manager will need 3-4 volunteers as Stage Crew who would do the arranging.
The thing I’d really like at this point is a band to provide as much of the music as possible. I’ll be contacting Gary Hooker and Myran H. this week. But if you know a group that might be interested, LET ME KNOW RIGHT AWAY! The ideal for our needs would be a small group (3-4) with a good keyboard player.
Other needs: we really need volunteers to help put up posters around the towns, and hand out flyers at the Concert in the Park tomorrow night. This is the last concert of the summer, so we need to alert all those people at the park to come back in two weeks for our show. Again, LET ME KNOW IF YOU CAN HELP WITH THIS RIGHT AWAY.
Also, it would be nice to have some concessions in the park that night. Karen, any chance your popcorn wagon could be there? Anybody else know a concession or two? The way the weather’s looking, a hot chocolate-coffee setup could make a mint
Here are the needs for the new play, “The Mermaid”: 3 women, 2 men, plus a smattering of other voices. A SFX crew of 2-3. All music pre-recorded until further notice. A good sound engineer.
That’s all for now. Please let me know if you’re willing to help. This is going to be a lot of fun, so start spreading the word, NOW.
Icebox Radio Theater, End of Summer Party
At the Bandshell, Smokey Bear Park, Int’l Falls
Wednesday, Aug 30, 7pm
The theater is gearing up for our final live performance of the summer. It will be happening on Wednesday, August 30 at 7pm at the Bandshell in I-Falls.
The show will be titled, ‘The Icebox Radio Theater’s End of Summer Party’ and it’s going to be a musical variety show. I got inspired by the Prairie Home Companion movie, and having seen the pros do it, we could do something very similar with the talent available here in town. Here’s the playbill as of right now:
APPEARING (no particular order)
“The Mermaid” a new play
Brittany Hayes
Debbie Griffith
Karri Tougas
Bob & Ray skits by Neill & Jeffrey Adams
Scenes from ‘Dog Watch’ by Mary Casanova
This will be a fairly major undertaking for us, and we’re going to need a lot of help. What I’d like to have is a Traffic Manager who could move the acts on and off, and keep an eye on the equipment so that things are set-up right for the next act. Said manager will need 3-4 volunteers as Stage Crew who would do the arranging.
The thing I’d really like at this point is a band to provide as much of the music as possible. I’ll be contacting Gary Hooker and Myran H. this week. But if you know a group that might be interested, LET ME KNOW RIGHT AWAY! The ideal for our needs would be a small group (3-4) with a good keyboard player.
Other needs: we really need volunteers to help put up posters around the towns, and hand out flyers at the Concert in the Park tomorrow night. This is the last concert of the summer, so we need to alert all those people at the park to come back in two weeks for our show. Again, LET ME KNOW IF YOU CAN HELP WITH THIS RIGHT AWAY.
Also, it would be nice to have some concessions in the park that night. Karen, any chance your popcorn wagon could be there? Anybody else know a concession or two? The way the weather’s looking, a hot chocolate-coffee setup could make a mint
Here are the needs for the new play, “The Mermaid”: 3 women, 2 men, plus a smattering of other voices. A SFX crew of 2-3. All music pre-recorded until further notice. A good sound engineer.
That’s all for now. Please let me know if you’re willing to help. This is going to be a lot of fun, so start spreading the word, NOW.
Icebox Radio Theater, End of Summer Party
At the Bandshell, Smokey Bear Park, Int’l Falls
Wednesday, Aug 30, 7pm
At 2:46 PM,
Larry Santoro said…
Would that I could be in I-Falls with you guys.
Congratulations for being able to continue to explore audio drama. While I was a director in live theater/television for most of my career, I did do a few audio pieces. One, "The Tree Is My Hat" was nominated for a Bram Stoker award by the HWA a few years ago.
If you're interested in hearing it, drop me an email. Larry@LarrySantoro.com
Break legs and such...
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