Icebox Radio Theater

News, events and doings surrounding the Icebox Radio Theater of International Falls, Minnesota.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Hey Everyone:

So much to talk about with the IBRT, and yet so little time. Summer is flying by, and though the theater slowed down from the show-per-month pace we set last winter, we’re still far from quiet.

4TH OF JULY: We had a presence on stage at the 4th of July Celebration this year. Many thanks to Walker Friend for working so hard on a short skit called simply, ‘Holiday Radio Show’. Unfortunately, when Walks arrived at the stage after the parade on 7/4, his allergies kicked in big time (the horses at the pony ride were our undoing). Lovely and talented Diane Adams had to step into the breech and play the part of a 12-year-oldwith only one read-through. That’s Radio! She did great, and the audience – filled with familiar faces – seemed to enjoy everything.

SHOWS IN THE WIND: We will be performing ‘Tall Bears’ on Saturday, Aug 5 at the Pioneer Picnic in Littlefork. This is part of the Koochiching Co. Centennial Celebration, and will feature a whole afternoon of entertainment. The play needs at least half a dozen volunteers to pull off so let me know NOW who’s available. It’s never too early to start planning.

I also have a show tentatively scheduled for Aug 29 or 30 at the Bandshell. This will be a world premier of a script titled, ‘The Mermaid’ that I’m really looking forward too. There will also be some shorter skits and a song or two. If you can help us out with this show, please let me know.

BROADCASTING NEWS: The IBRT will début on WCLPI Internet radio this month. Internet radio stations are run just like regular radio stations, only you have to listen to them via computer. This particular station is a support to families with autistic children. They go in for wholesome, family fare, and are stuff matched their needs nicely. We’re being featured as part of program called ‘WCLPI Playhouse’, and the schedule is all over the map, a different time each day. Let me know if you’d like their schedule and I’ll email it too you. In the meantime, check out their website and give them a listen at:

More broadcasting news: Keep your fingers crossed as we have made contacts at two area radio stations about the possibility of the IBRT getting its own timeslot. Things are in the preliminary stages right now, but if it works out, the Theater could have its own home on the air soon.

RADIO FOR KIDS CLASS: Thanks to Debbie Griffith for putting me in touch with community ed. This September, the IBRT will be offering its first class for kids! We’ll meet over four consecutive Tuesdays with kids age 10 and up learning every aspect of production. This will be a great outreach for the Theater, and a bit of a fundraiser too! Contact Community Ed for more info.

And finally, after doing yet another rebuild of the website (grumble…grumble) we of the Icebox Radio Theater will be joining the 21st Century and having our very own blog. This email, received by all of you, will be posted on the blog at: Go there and check it out, comment on what has been written, and tell all your friends. If you want to know what’s happening with the theater, that’s the place.

That’s all the news for now. Take care all, and call me soon!

Bye for Now: